Investigation launched against BIEK chairman, controller reassigned

KARACHI: The government on Wednesday night decided to launch an investigation against Chairman Board of Intermediate Education Karachi Akhter Ghauri after he and Controller Examinations Imran...

Investigation launched against BIEK chairman, controller reassigned
KARACHI: The government on Wednesday night decided to launch an investigation against Chairman Board of Intermediate Education Karachi (BIEK) Akhter Ghauri after he and Controller Examinations Imran Chishti traded allegations, accusing each other of selling top positions in inter exams.

Meanwhile, the Controller Exams has been transferred to Mirpur Khas and Secretary Education Qazi Arshad and his Assistant Qamar Iqbal have been ordered to report to the Sindh Education Department.

Earlier today, the chairman and controller came face-to-face over the corruption scam at BIEK involving buying and selling of top positions in inter exams.

Chishti claimed that Ghauri was involved in tampering the exam results and issuing mark sheets without even bothering to get them signed by the former’s signatures.

A day earlier, Chairman BIEK had made a startling disclosure that the board was involved in trading of top positions in exchange for millions of rupees every year.

Both the chairman and controller admitted that buying and selling of positions went on at the BIEK.

Not only the first, second and third positions were sold but good grades were also given against hefty amounts of money.