Swat: 3 including Malala Yousafzai injured in attack

SWAT: The National Peace Award winner, Malala Yousafzai, who came under the global spotlight for her efforts to bring back peace to her hometown Swat came under attack earlier today. Malala...

Swat: 3 including Malala Yousafzai injured in attack
SWAT: The National Peace Award winner, Malala Yousafzai, who came under the global spotlight for her efforts to bring back peace to her hometown Swat came under attack earlier today. Malala Yousafzai was injured along with two other girls when unknown assailants opened fire on her vehicle in Swat, Geo News reported.

According to police, Malala along with two other schoolgirls was injured when unknown attackers opened fire on her vehicle in Mengora after identifying Malala. The girls were on their way back from school.

Sources told that Malala and the two other injured girls were shifted to District Headquarter Hospital in Saidu Sharif where doctors told that Malala was hit by a bullet in her head.

Hospital sources told that Malala was operated immediately and was out of danger. She gained consciousness and also spoke to her father. She is now being transferred to Peshawar’s Combined Military Hospital via helicopter.

It is important to mention that Malala had been receiving threats to her life, after which she was provided with a special car and unarmed security personnel.

The international children's advocacy group Kids Rights Foundation included Malala among the nominees for the International Children's Peace Prize, making her the first Pakistani girl nominated for the award.

For her courageous and outstanding services for the promotion of peace under extremely hostile conditions in Swat, she was awarded the first National Peace Award by the Pakistani government on 19 December 2011.