KARACHI: Dr Shireen Narejo, Special Secretary Health, announced launch of “Dengue Se Paak Pakistan” campaign to further the cause of a dengue-free Pakistan.
This was announced...
March 23, 2016
KARACHI: Dr Shireen Narejo, Special Secretary Health, announced launch of “Dengue Se Paak Pakistan” campaign to further the cause of a dengue-free Pakistan.
This was announced at a press briefing held in Karachi where the importance of undertaking proactive measures to reduce the incidence of dengue was highlighted.
The incidence of dengue increases post rainy season due to stagnant water that becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
This year, provincial governments are taking proactive measures at the grass root level to ensure reduction in the incidence of dengue in Pakistan, which has significantly increased in the last 5 years. In 2015 alone, 3,692 cases were reported in Sindh while KPK and Punjab accounted for 1,397 and 4,281dengue victims. These cases were reported across urban areas as well as rural settlements.
“The Sindh government is already working on a dengue prevention and control programme. We want to proactively plan for this season to ensure people are adequately equipped with the right tools to protect themselves from diseases like dengue.” said Dr ShireenNarejo speaking to reporters at the event.
Fahad Ashraf, Director Marketing Reckitt Benckiser also spoke about the Campaign, “This initiative is in line with RB’s philosophy of ‘Healthier lives, happier homes’.
“This time with this campaign we aim to go national and have envisaged a Dengue Se Paak Pakistan. We appreciate the government’s support immensely in this regard,” he said.
The campaign aims to reduce the incidence of dengue all over the country through a multi-pronged approach that will focus on a number of pre-planned activities characterized by a combination of innovative approaches to generate maximum impact and learning.
These activities will focus on educating people mainly on 4 key areas mainly: cover (open water containers and getting rid of stagnant water puddles); clear (trash and keep surroundings clean); safety (through use of anti-mosquito products) and, support (each other by encouraging this behavior).A ‘Dengue Se PaakP akistan’anthem sung by acclaimed vocalist RahatFateh Ali Khan also forms part of the campaign’s awareness plan.