
Strong institutions, education vital for country's progress: PM

PM Imran Khan says history only remembered those who did not confine their vision to themselves but acted in the best interest...

August 26, 2019

SWABI: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday said Pakistan had no dearth of resources and capable human resource, and stressed that strengthening institutions and focusing on education is vital for the country's progress.

Speaking at the inauguration of a new academic block at the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute (GIKI) of Engineering Science and Technology in Topi, he said the government had placed education among its top priorities with no compromise on its quality and standard.

Addressing the undergraduate students, the prime minister advised them to always follow the mindset that led to positivity and towards achievement of their goals, rather than getting demoralised by challenges in life.

"Expect challenges surfacing in your life, but never let your inner fear overcome you and distract you from your dreams," he said, while giving the students tips for a successful life.

He said role models were important to set a direction in one's life and urged upon the students to follow the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) as their inspiration, who established the world's first modern state based on a just society that provided unprecedented rights to women and banished slavery.

The prime minister proposed to the GIKI for establishing an academic chair on the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for in-depth research about his vision and qualities that laid the foundation of a great civilisation.

He said the Holy Prophet's victory against infidels in the Battle of Badar in AD 625 with only 313 men, and defeating the Roman and Persian empires in AD 636 and AD 638 respectively, were topics that needed to be thoroughly studied.

NRO 'out of question'

Imran Khan said history only remembered those who did not confine their vision to themselves but acted in the best interest of humanity.

He said Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, once a staunch supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity, realised the mentality of prejudice against Muslims similar to the agenda of RSS in India and worked tirelessly towards his goal of a separate homeland.

Prime Minister Imran Khan said giving NRO to his political opponents would mean compromising on his vision.

"The day I give them the NRO, I will comprise on my vision. You compromise for your vision, not compromise it," he said.

Imran Khan said his opponents often accused him of taking U-turns from a particular stance, and added: "I make compromises for achieving my goals, rather than compromising on my goals."

He categorically rejected any chance of reconciliation with the "jailed looters of the country's wealth".

"The opponents are raising hue and cry so that I give them NRO. This is simply out of question," he added.

The prime minister added that it would take time to build up institutions, which had been destroyed by corruption in Pakistan.

"As we move forward, things will leapfrog as we have human capital and there is no shortage of resources in Pakistan."

The prime minister said sixty percent youth in the country were below the age of 30 years who could prove as an engine of positive change in the right direction.

He said Islam held scholars in high esteem and vowed to restore the culture of respect for teachers in the society.
