
Ambassador Majeed urges US to pressure India to end crackdown in Kashmir

India has turned a vast section of the disputed region into a 'concentration camp', says Ambassador Majeed

August 30, 2019

WASHINGTON: Pakistan’s Ambassador in Washington Asad Majeed Khan has urged the US and the international community to “do more” to pressure India to end its militarised curfew over occupied Kashmir.

In an interview with The Washington Times, Khan said the Indian prime minister has turned a vast section of the disputed region into “practically a concentration camp.”

He added that millions of people inside the occupied territory have been on lockdown without access to medicine or electricity, let alone telephones and internet, for nearly a month since the government of India revoked the area’s special constitutional status.

“Thousands are being put in prison,” he was quoted as saying. “The world needs to be aware of this.”

Meanwhile, Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider Khan who is on a visit to Washington sought to promote the same message.

He told The Washington Times that he wanted “to give a wake-up call to the United States that [it] should intervene immediately.”
