
Brad Pitt spills the beans on his strangest fan interactions

Brad Pitt reveals the craziest and strangest places fans have approached him for a chat or an autograph

Web Desk
October 23, 2020
Brad Pitt spills the beans on his strangest fan interactions
Brad Pitt spills the beans on his strangest fan interactions

Brad Pitt recently opened up about some of his strangest conversations with fans and they all occurred where no man has ever ‘gone’ before.

During his interview with Heat the actor admitted that he was once recognized inside a bathroom and it turned out as awkwardly as one can expect. Pitt was even quoted saying, “Well, the most uncomfortable is certainly at a urinal.”

He also went on to say, “Yeah, maybe that’s a little Larry David of me, I prefer not to. But when they go, ‘Hey, you’re [extends hands] and wanna shake hands, it goes too far. I go, sorry bud. Yeah, not gonna happen.”

When the interviewer got stumped at the prospect of being approached at a urinal, Pitt confirmed the reality of that kind of encounter and even added that he usually shuts those conversations down hard. Afterall “Yeah, I think you have the right to. I think you’d shut it down.”
