Geo Fact Check

Fact-check: Video does not show police assault on daughter of military detainee

The video in the second half, showing a cop kicking a girl, is not from Pakistan

Geo Fact-Check | Muhammad Binyameen Iqbal
June 05, 2024

Online users are sharing a video alleging that a young girl, whose father is being tried by a military court for his alleged role in attacks on army installations on May 9, was brutally beaten by a police officer outside the Supreme Court Lahore Registry.

The claim is false.


On May 8, a Facebook user posted a video showing a young girl outside the Supreme Court’s Lahore Registry. The user combined this with another video depicting a girl being beaten by a police officer.

The caption claimed that the girl, attending to secure the release of her father imprisoned by the military, was later attacked by the police.

The post garnered over 212,000 views, 7,600 shares, and 4,400 likes at the time of writing.

The same video was also shared here, here and here.


The two incidents shown in the video are unrelated.

The girl seen in the first half of the video is the daughter of Ashiq Khan, who is in military custody in Lahore due to the May 9 riots. This fact was confirmed by Lahore-based lawyer Khadija Siddiqi, who was present with the girl on March 28 when she came to the Supreme Court Lahore Registry to appeal for her father’s release.

The video in the second half, showing a cop kicking a girl, is not from Pakistan. A video posted on YouTube indicates that it was recorded in Bangladesh. However, Geo Fact Check could not independently determine the date and location of the incident.

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