
Prince Harry trying to go it alone amid anger and frustration

Prince Harry is beginning to find himself incredibly frustrated and angry about the things he is facing

Web Desk
June 28, 2024
Prince Harry trying to go it alone amid anger and frustration
Prince Harry trying to go it alone amid anger and frustration

Prince Harry is reportedly starting to grow very frustrated and angry over the situation he’s found himself in.

Insight into Prince Harry’s feelings and emotions have been brought to light by royal commentator and correspondent Cameron Walker.

He touched on it all during one of his most recent interviews with GB News.

He began that by addressing the ‘anger and frustration’ encompassing the Duke and said, “I think over the last few years, it's been pretty clear that Prince Harry has been pretty angry and frustrated with the situation he's ended up being in.”

“There's been long periods of absence, I think, from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. And this is him, perhaps, carving out his role again.”

For those unversed, that has been evident based on, “Seeing what he enjoys, what his passion is, and that is clearly military engagements and highlighting military causes. That is, I think, what we're seeing from Prince Harry.”

Mr Walker also referenced Princess Anne’s hospitalization during his interview and said, “I don't think it's to do with we're losing members of the Royal Family temporarily, such as the Princess of Wales and Princess Anne.”

“I think he's trying to go it alone. I don't think this is him trying to become a working member of the Royal Family again.”

“I think he is pretty happy in California from the messages we are getting from him, but clearly it is a huge frustration.”

“I think perhaps for those royal watchers and those royal fans who think what could have been if he stayed as a working member and how much he could have perhaps helped.”

“And indeed Meghan, if she stayed as a working member of the Royal Family in this situation where the slimmed down monarchy looking very slim indeed.”
