
Julianne Hough reveals her 'heart is open' for dating

Julianne Hough shares the secret of her ‘good’ looks in her mid-thirties

Web Desk
July 02, 2024
Julianne Hough reveals her heart is open for dating
Julianne Hough reveals her 'heart is open' for dating

Julianne Hough has revealed that she is “very happy” as a single following her divorce from Brooks Laich in 2022.

Speaking with People magazine, the Dancing with the Stars co-host shared that she would only date someone if "something really special" exists between them.

"I'm very happy,” said Julianne, who is currently single. “So, it's got to be something really special."

The 23-year-old actress added that she is “ready for whatever is right for her” before insisting that "my heart is open" for dating.

In the same interview, Julianne also spilled the secrets of her beauty in her mid-thirties, saying she is "proud" of her body.

“The result is that the body looks good, too, so I'm okay with that. I will say nutrition and food is probably the bigger focus for me now that I'm in my thirties,” the former America's Got Talentjudge said.
