NEW DELHI: A latest report submitted to the Indian police on Friday has confirmed that Sunanda Pushkar wife of Congress leader Sashi Tharoor died of poisoning.
According to Indian media...
January 15, 2016
NEW DELHI: A latest report submitted to the Indian police on Friday has confirmed that Sunanda Pushkar wife of Congress leader Sashi Tharoor died of poisoning.
According to Indian media reports, top doctors at Delhi’s state-run AIIMS hospital prepared the report which drew on findings made by the FBI last year.
"I can say with certainty that the death was not natural," Delhi Police chief BS Bassi told journalists on Friday, adding that the report is being studied by a special team.
Sunanda Pushkar died days after she publicly accused her husband Shashi Tharoor of having an affair with a Pakistani journalist.
While the police has as yet named no suspect, Tharoor is likely to be questioned again. He has so far stressed his cooperation with the police with regards to the investigation.