No one to buy books: Two bookstores in Peshawar forced to close down

The entire society collectively is in grasp of moral degradation

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No one to buy books: Two bookstores in Peshawar forced to close down

Two of the oldest and largest bookstores in Peshawar have closed down. One of the bookstore owners placed a heartfelt note on its entrance as it went out of business.

"The entire society collectively is in grasp of moral degradation, senselessness, extremism and terrorism because of their ignorance. People have no habit of reading anymore so libraries and bookstores have no meaning for such a society. Under such circumstances, we are forced to close down,” reads the note written on a black piece of paper.

Saeed Book Bank and Shaheen Bookstore have a sea of literature and books on history. While digital media has changed how we read things, this is the first time people in Peshawar have actually felt the affect.

Customers at bookstores have fallen and the bookstores have no choice left but to close for business.

Some booklovers on social media reacted to the decision.