Diplomacy not war solution to Kashmir issue: Shah

Khursheed Shah says one debate in UNSC cannot resolve Kashmir issue

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ISLAMABAD: National Assembly opposition leader Khursheed Shah said on Tuesday that the Kashmir issued could not be resolved through war.

Shah stressed the need for a diplomatic solution to the Kashmir issue, adding that one debate in the UN Security Council could not resolve this. According to Shah, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was also aware of this.

Khursheed Shah’s statements come at a time when Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is in New York to attend the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly and is meeting world leaders in an effort to shed light on Indian atrocities being committed in Indian occupied Kashmir.

In a meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May, PM Sharif said the people of Jammu and Kashmir must be allowed to choose their destiny and that the longstanding resolutions of the UN Security Council on the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people need to be implemented.

Read: Nawaz urges US, Britain to play role for end to violence in IoK

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also called on the permanent members of the United Nations demanding that India should be forced to stop its brutalities in Occupied Kashmir.

The Prime Minister wrote letters to the Security Council’s P5 members (US, UK, Russia, China, France) and stressed that the UN’s resolutions should be put to implementation concerning the Kashmir issue.