Pakistan condemns Indian allegations

"India has been involved in fanning terrorism flames in different cities of Pakistan," says a spokesperson for the Foreign Office of Pakistan

Pakistan condemns Indian allegations

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Sunday condemned the allegations leveled against it by the Indian leadership and accused New Delhi of sponsoring terrorists on its soil, according to the Foreign Office (FO).

The FO spokesperson said that the confessional statement by the on-duty Indian spy Kulbhushan Yadav, who was arrested from Balochistan and is currently held under custody, confirms Indian sponsorship of terrorists inside Pakistan.

"India has been involved in fanning terrorism flames in different cities of Pakistan," he added.

The spokesperson slammed the extra-judicial killing of Kashmiri youth leader Burhan Muzaffar Wani by the Indian forces in occupied Kashmir. He said the actions of Indian forces in the held territory were grave violations of the human rights.

Of late, tensions soared high between the two nuclear-armed adversaries in South Asia over the disputed Kashmir region, as over 100 innocent Kashmiris have been martyred at the hands of Indian forces.

The incidents of violence, which took place as the Indian forces used brute force to subdue pro-independence protests erupting after the killing of Kashmiri youth leader Burhan Wani over two months ago, have left thousands of citizens wounded in the Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK).

Amid the turmoil, the use of pellet guns by occupying forces to quell protests has caused nearly a thousand Kashmiri people, including women and children, to lose their eyesight.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, in his address with the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 21, pressed the world fraternity to help put an end to violence and worst human rights abuses in the occupied Himalayan territory. He demanded a UN fact-finding mission be sent to IoK to take stock of extra-judicial killings.

Visibly distressed by exposing of ongoing rights abuses in IoK by PM Sharif at the UNGA, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday threatened Pakistan of "isolating it in the entire world" — the latest episode of his anti-Pakistan hate-mongering despite calls for restraint amid heightened tensions between the two countries.

"The time will come when we will have completely isolated Pakistan," he said.

He was responded by Information Minister Pervaiz Rashid who said that only the cruel gets isolated in the world and that India has been subjecting the Kashmiri people to worst torture.

The minister advised the neighboring arch-rival to abstain from isolation and put an end to atrocities in occupied Kashmir.

"If there is unrest in Srinagar, then New Delhi can also not be at peace," Rashid said. "It is the responsibility of the Indian government to address the grave concerns of the Kashmiri people and to pacify them."