October 14, 2016
Two weeks ago Indian forces ‘arrested’ a ‘spy’ pigeon that allegedly flew over from Pakistan with a threatening note tied to its leg. Now they have clipped its wings to prevent it from flying back across the border.
“The wings of the pigeon have been clipped to ensure the suspected spy does not fly back to Pakistan,” a senior Punjab police official told The Telegraph. “We have sent a preliminary report to the union home ministry, including an X-ray report of the bird which did not reveal anything suspicious.”
The note had read: “Modiji, we are not the same as we were in 1971 – Jaish-e-Mohammad”, in Urdu, putting the Indian forces on an alert as they rushed to get to the bottom of the mystery.
The news of the clipping was met with outrage from animal activists, one of whom was quoted by the newspaper as saying: “The mindless act amounts to cruelty to animals. It also shows how stupid as a nation we are becoming.”
The ‘spy’ attracted hordes of curious visitors when it was being kept at the police station. The ‘suspect’ is now at an animal husbandry hospital, being fed and kept in a cage.