Ancient sites of Sanghar older than those of Moen-jo-Daro, says official

There are around 100 archaeological sites in Sanghar

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Ancient sites of Sanghar older than those of Moen-jo-Daro, says official

SUKKUR: There are around 100 archaeological sites in Sanghar. This was stated by the Deputy Commissioner of Sanghar, Muhammad Umar Farooq. 

Presiding over a meeting of the District Heritage Committee, he said that the ancient and historical sites of Sanghar due to the ignorance of the federal government, natural disasters and lack of importance almost lied neglected.

He said that the ancient sites of Sanghar were older than those of Moen-jo-Daro. He said that the district government of Sanghar was ready to facilitate researchers to prepare their research work on conservation and preservation of the archaeological sites.

The deputy commissioner said that for the preservation and conservation he had formed different committees, and in this regard he, along with the committee members, visited the sites and formulated recommendations for the conservation of the sites, and those recommendations had been sent to the Sindh government. He said that there was a proposal to publish a directory of the historical sites to get attention of Unesco and other organizations to support their preservation.

--Originally published in The News