Amir Khan referees wife, family feud; determined to end it

At a charity event last night, boxer Amir Khan vowed to put an end to the ongoing family row right away

Web Desk

In the latest twist of events in an already-distorted story, where boxer Amir Khan’s parents took jibes at his wife Faryal Makhdoom over her attire and appearance after Faryal bashed her in-laws for subjecting her to 'abuse,' the celebrity himself spoke out recently of his desire for the feud to settle down.


And I will fight to live with you until my last breath... I love you baby! Happy 30th Birthday @amirkingkhan you deserve everything!

A photo posted by Faryal Makhdoom Khan (@faryalmakhdoom) on


Khan, who celebrated his 30th birthday last week, said the situation will take some time to calm down, but all will be well hopefully. “Whatever happens, happens; one day things will certainly get back to normal,” the boxer stated.

Khan (L), wife (R) at Washington charity event (Photo courtesy: The Mirror)
Khan (L), wife (R) at Washington charity event (Photo courtesy: The Mirror)

At a charity event in Washington last night, the black suit-clad boxer commented that he vows to eliminate the divisions between his wife and family. “Whatever has ensued is now in the past. One day all of this will end. We all want to live like a family.”

Also present at the event last night was the couple’s daughter Lamaisah, who shyly greeted the audience with an innocent “Hi” from her father’s lap. Nevertheless, it was noted that Khan and Makhdoom didn’t talk to each other.

With regard to the ongoing dispute – akin to a table tennis match where Khan’s parents and Makhdoom have been exchanging heated words back and forth – the boxer said that he is optimistic about the future. “It will take some time, but it will come to pass,” he added.

Earlier, Khan has mentioned at numerous instances that one of the most difficult things for him to deal with is the prospect of parting ways with his family. Regardless, he remarked that he intends for this fight to end immediately.

The dispute started earlier this month when Faryal spoke out against what she claims was 'domestic abuse' at the hands of her in-laws. Subsequently, it escalated into a burgeoning exchange of rapid-fire comments between her and Khan’s family, wherein the boxer’s parents called her an evil woman, criticised her face, and compared her to late pop icon Michael Jackson.

Whereas Makhdoom has repeatedly asserted her innocence, has made attempts to bond with Khan’s parents previously, and reminisces that they were fine with her dressing choice at their first-ever meeting, the icon’s parents denied all she has said, and alleged that they only advised her to put on culturally-appropriate wear.


Who's with me? #faryalmakhdoom #womenempowerment #womanpower

A photo posted by Faryal Makhdoom Khan (@faryalmakhdoom) on


In the past few weeks, Makhdoom has discussed on Snapchat the emotional turmoil she is going through, and openly talked about 'verbal and physical abuse' she suffered from Khan’s parents. She has pronounced the whole debacle to be an issue of female empowerment, and urged women […] to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are […] not overlooked and ignored.”

In an interview with British newspaper Sun, Makhdoom claimed her in-laws cropped her from family photos, flung a remote control at her, and even slapped her. However, Khan’s father opined that she has embarrassed them and added to the boxer’s stress. He even advised his son to divorce her.