Pakistani fashion goes on display at London Fashion Week

Maheen Khan, Munib Nawaz, Sonya Battla, Hamza Bokhari of Jeem, Zuriya Dor and The PinkTree Company were brought to London for the show

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LONDON: Six Pakistani fashion designers displayed their collections at the prestigious London Fashion Week and won praise from fashion-watchers.

Maheen Khan, Munib Nawaz, Sonya Battla, Hamza Bokhari of Jeem, Zuriya Dor and The PinkTree Company were brought to London for the show, over the weekend, by the British Council Pakistan as part of the globally run Fashion DNA Project in collaboration with Fashion Scout and London Fashion Week.

The capsule collections by the six Pakistani designers was styled by Rebekah Roy and it was aimed at offering an insight into the burgeoning fashion scene in Pakistan showcasing contemporary design, culture and textiles to the London Fashion Week audience.

Designer Munib Nawaz told Geo News that for nearly eight months, Pakistani designers worked day and night to produce their work for the London Fashion Week.

“It was hard work and we all ensured that we project our work and designs to the global audience in the most befitting manner. As you saw during the catwalk session, all Pakistani designers won huge praise from the audience and we couldn’t have asked for more. The British Council provided us with the great opportunity and we are thankful indeed. It's also recognition of Pakistan’s talent and widening fashion scene.”

Fashion critic and designer Mohsin Saeed told Geo News that Pakistani artists and designers are doing all they can to tell the world about the real Pakistan. He said it was unfortunate that Pakistan was in the western news for all the wrong reasons but there’s another side to Pakistan and that untapped side needs to be projected and brought forward. He said the aim of all Pakistani designers through this project was to produce collections that break boundaries and create a global appeal for Pakistani fashion and also tell the story about Pakistan’s creative and aesthetic side.

Maheen Khan said that she had placed emphasis on highlighting traditional fashion of Pakistan’s northern areas as well other parts. She said that Pakistan’s fashion beauty is second to none and has great appeal in the western market. She said that Pakistani designers were able to present an eclectic range of Pakistani fashion and packed-to-capacity was a proof how much anticipation existed about the Pakistani show.

Sonya Battla said that she had to make her designs for this show keeping in view the western demand and sensibility as “it's not Desi audience”.