Clean drinking water available nowhere in Sindh: report

"There are 414 places in Sindh, where drainage water is disposed into River Indus or its canals," the report states

Clean drinking water available nowhere in Sindh: report

KARACHI: The Sindh Water Commission has noted that people all over the province are not being provided safe drinking water in accordance with the World Health Organisation's standards, according to a report.

The commission, formed in December last year upon orders by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, comprised of Sindh High Court judges. Headed by Justice Iqbal Kalhoro, it was tasked to conduct an in-depth probe into the authorities' failure to provide clean drinking water, sanitation facilities and a healthy environment to the people of Sindh.

For around two months, members of the commission held meetings and conducted surveys to report their findings.

The commission, in its report forwarded to the apex court, has underscored the awful condition of water supply and its sanitation in the province, pointing out mismanagement, incompetence and negligence on part of provincial authorities in ensuring provision of safe drinking water to the people.

"There are 414 places in the province, where drainage water is disposed into Indus River or its canals," the report read.

It further stated that people all across the province are not being provided drinking water in accordance with the perimeters set by the WHO.