Baby named by Facebook users

TORONTO: We know that Facebook is a big deal nowadays and it can be influential, but amazingly a soon to be mother is giving Facebook users the chance to vote for the name she calls her baby.Rommy...

Baby named by Facebook users
TORONTO: We know that Facebook is a big deal nowadays and it can be influential, but amazingly a soon to be mother is giving Facebook users the chance to vote for the name she calls her baby.

Rommy Alpinelli from Toronto has left her baby girls naming down to the good old virtual folks of Facebook and has vowed to stick with that name, with the due date on December 4th. This process is not as simple as it sounds as there is a deal involved with the Canadian social commerce site FabFind. Alpinelli was discussing baby names with her friend who works for FabFind and the social commerce employee discussed the baby dilemma with the people at work and then an unconventional plan was conceived.

According to CTV, FabFind CEO Bill Heilmann suggested that the company would give the soon to be mother a years worth of free deals if she let them name her baby and that it would be done on Facebook. It works by users submitting a unique name that can only be entered once to combat duplicates. The users who vote for the name that gets selected will receive 25,000 reward points which can be redeemed on FabFind deals.

Once the baby has been named with the suggested one that got the most votes, Alpinelli can then redeem her years worth of free deals upon showing the birth certificate. The free deals for the year has estimated savings of around $40,000. If this is the case then plenty more mothers will be leaving their baby’s name fates to the social network. What is your view on this absurd story? Let us know what you think in the comments.