WATCH: NASA reveals stunning image of Earth through Saturn's rings

Brace yourself as NASA has released stunning image of Earth from in between Saturn’s ring from 870 million miles.

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WATCH: NASA reveals stunning image of Earth through Saturn's rings

Brace yourself as NASA has released stunning image of Earth from in between Saturn’s ring from 870 million miles.

Excited? We also are!

A new photo taken by the Cassini spacecraft near Saturn shows Earth as a small speck of light, framed and dwarfed by Saturn's famous rings. 


The blue planet shows up as a tiny spec of light in between Saturn's icy rings. 

According to NASA, the southern Atlantic Ocean was facing the space probe at the time.

The Cassini spacecraft is only five days away from performing its "grand finale," or planned conclusion to its 13-year mission. 

The picture was taken on April 12, according to NASA.

NASA in its statement said, "Although far too small to be visible in the image, the part of Earth facing Cassini at the time was the southern Atlantic Ocean."

Astronauts who fly to the International Space Station talk about how they spend their precious free time looking down at our home planet.

Other spacecraft have also taken photos like this from far-off parts of the solar system. 

Perhaps the most famous of these photos is the "pale blue dot" image taken by Voyager 1 in 1990. That image shows Earth as a tiny fleck on a beam of sunlight from more than 4 billion miles away.