'Killi Jahangir is situated in Pakistan'

The area head told the media village was named after him

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CHAMAN: The villages near the border, Killi Jahangir and Killi Luqman, are situated on the Pakistani side, said Haji Jahangir Khan Achakzai, head of the area.

"Killi Jahangir has been named after me," Jahangir Khan said while talking to the media. "I'm the head of the area."

He added they belonged to the country.

"Killi Luqman and Killi Jahangir are situated on the Pakistani side [of the border]."

He demanded the government resume census process in the areas where it was suspended.  

Jahangir's statements have come days after tension erupted on the Chaman border, between Pakistan and Afghanistan, after which authorities of both the countries argued over the ownership of the areas that were attacked.

The Afghan Border Police force started attacking the villages on the Pakistani side on May 5. The firing and shelling had claimed lives of 11 civilians, residing in the affected villages, and injured many others.

Later, flag meetings were held between the Afghan and Pakistani authorities, during one of which the Afghan authorities had said the attacked areas belonged to Afghanistan. However, a joint survey was carried out by teams from both the countries to resolve the border issue. A report of the survey was prepared and sent to the high-ups in Kabul and Islamabad.