Internet in alien frenzy after shiny object spotted on Mars

Something which appears to be a chunk of metal is recently photographed by the Opportunity Rover

Web Desk

If it is shiny and sharp and wait... if it is on Mars then, it's must be aliens!

Something which appears to be a chunk of metal was recently photographed by the Opportunity Rover.

The finding of Opportunity Rover actually shows an unusually shiny, and object on the top of the grainy surface of Mars' Meridiani Planum.

The internet which has already gone wild over it has the reactions coming.

One commentator noted it as it "Looks like light glimmering off of a genuine spaceship on an alien planet in outer space." 

Another suggestion which was given that it could be a piece of debris from the rover itself or a heat shield from the craft that delivered it.

anderson cooper can’t believe it

Even successful projects litter the landscape with debris as they plough through the thin atmosphere.

And Opportunity has been travelling back along the line of its lander's approach.

While the internet is still debating over it, no statement from NASA has been released yet.