Rosogolla originates from West Bengal, rules Indian ministry

West Bengal and Odisha, have been arguing over the origins of rosogolla

India has awarded a “geographical indications” tag to rosogolla, the king of Indian sweets. Photo: Shutterstock Images 

KOLKATA: India has awarded a “geographical indications” tag to rosogolla, the king of Indian sweets, after a years-long battle between two neighboring states over the ownership rights.

Luscious rosogolla, or sweet cheese balls dripping with sugar syrup, have long been a favorite dessert across the Indian subcontinent and among the diaspora.

But two eastern states, West Bengal and Odisha, have been arguing over the origins of rosogolla, which means a ball of sweet. They consulted historians and produced old documents to support their claims.

On Tuesday, the federal commerce and industry ministry ruled that the sweet originated from West Bengal, giving it the coveted “geographical indications” tag.

The World Trade Organisation says “geographical indications” defines a good as originating in a particular territory of a member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is available.

West Bengal’s chief minister Mamata Banerjee welcomed the decision saying in a Twitter post it was “sweet news for us all”.