Pakistan, Afghanistan must explore ways to usher peace in region: COAS

'We must begin with trust that neither covets an inch of the other's territory, nor is letting its land being used against the other', COAS tells high-level Afghan delegation

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The army’s media wing said that the talks between two sides focused on the operationalisation of recently concluded Afghan Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Stability. Photo: ISPR

RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Staff(COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa said on Sunday that Pakistan and Afghanistan must explore ways to usher peace in the region, in a meeting with an Afghan delegation led by Afghan National Security Adviser Mohammad Hanif Atmar, said ISPR.

The delegation included Head of NDS Mohammad Masoom Stanekzai, Interior Minister of Afghanistan Wais Ahmad Barmak, Ambassador of Afghanistan to Pakistan Omar Zakhilwal and other Afghan officials.

The Pakistani side was also joined by Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua.

General Bajwa said both Pakistan and Afghanistan have suffered heavily due to prolonged conflict and must together explore ways to usher peace in the region by defeating the common enemy. 

“We must begin with the trust that neither covets an inch of the other's territory nor is letting its land being used against the other. Suspicions will only fuel negativity and facilitate detractors,” the COAS added.

COAS accepted the invitation given by the Afghan delegation on behalf of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to visit Kabul.

The army’s media wing said that the talks between two sides focused on the operationalisation of recently concluded Afghan Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Stability (APAPPS).

“The Afghan side was appreciative of Pakistan’s initiative in preparation of the framework document to improve cooperation and coordination between the two brotherly Countries on a host of confidence-building and substantive measures,” said the statement released after the meeting.

The two sides agreed to fast-track the formulation of working groups, especially on bilateral security cooperation and to undertake measures that would assist both sides in the reduction of violence at the hands of terrorists.

Afghanistan NSA Mohammad Hanif Atmar said on the occasion that Afghanistan has very positive expectations from Pakistan and with mutual help, we can allay each other’s concerns and apply our energies to bring about enduring peace and stability.

Both sides chalked out outline plans for operationalising APAPPS and shared ideas towards Afghan reconciliation as the roadmap for lasting peace.