Statement incorrectly attributed to Shabnam

We would like to apologise to Shabnam and our readers for this mistake

Web Desk

On June 1, 2018, a story was published on which incorrectly attributed a statement to famous former actress Shabnam.

The Twitter account from where the statement was taken did not belong to Shabnam and this was an oversight by our editorial team.

The story which had been reported by leading local news outlets was not given the proper editorial scrutiny that we normally subject news items to.

Upon learning that the Twitter account was not authentic, we promptly removed our story. We apologise to Shabnam for not reaching out to her first, to confirm the comments before publishing.

We also apologise to our audience and assure them that in an era where 'fake news' often slips through the editorial sieve, we will continue to strengthen our editorial checks to provide you with the most accurate information on Editorial Team