Dawood says statements in FT report on CPEC were taken out of context

Abdul Razak Dawood emphasises that Pakistan’s commitment to CPEC would not change


ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan’s advisor on commerce, textiles, industries and investment, Abdul Razak Dawood dismissed a Financial Times report on the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), stating that his statements were taken out of context.

Issuing a clarification, Dawood emphasised that Pakistan’s commitment to CPEC would not change. He added that during the recent visit of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, both countries decided to take their strategic partnership forward, stressing that commitments to CPEC would be honoured and were unwavering. 

The Financial Times report stated Pakistan was mulling over a review of the CPEC agreement with China, citing Islamabad’s unease with what it claims was unjust benefit being enjoyed by Beijing-owned companies.

According to the report, Dawood was of the view that for the time being, all CPEC-related must be halted for a year.

“The previous government did a bad job negotiating with China on CPEC — they didn’t do their homework correctly and didn’t negotiate correctly so they gave away a lot,” Dawood noted, as per the FT.

“I think we should put everything on hold for a year so we can get our act together. Perhaps we can stretch CPEC out over another five years or so,” he added.