'Not Naya Pakistan we hoped for,' says disgruntled Jemima Goldsmith

Goldsmith took to Twitter to express her dismay on the government’s agreeing to the demands of protesters

Web Desk
Goldsmith took to Twitter to express her dismay on the government’s agreeing to the demands of protesters/ file photo

The recent unfortunate events have doused hope of a new Pakistan for even Jemima Goldsmith, Prime Minister Imran Khan’s ever-so-supportive former wife.

Goldsmith took to Twitter to express her dismay on the government’s agreeing to the demands of protesters.

“Not the Naya Pakistan we’d hoped for. Three days after a defiant and brave speech defending the judiciary, Pakistan’s government caves in to extremist demands to bar #AsiaBibi from leaving Pakistan, after she was acquitted of blasphemy- effectively signing her death warrant,” she tweeted.

Protests had erupted in several cities after the Supreme Court on Wednesday acquitted Asia Bibi, a Christian woman on death row since 2010 when she was convicted on blasphemy charges. The protests paralysed routine life in major cities, causing severe road blockages in major cities and resulting in severe mobility issues for citizens.

But, despite Prime Minister Imran Khan's stern warning to agitators against challenging the state earlier in the week, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) government reached a five-point agreement with Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) late Friday night to end the protests.