Watch: Federer’s little son steals the show

As the Swiss master was doing a courtside interview, his son Lenny was more interested in poking his coach

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Switzerland´s Roger Federer celebrates his victory against Taylor Fritz of the US during their men´s singles match on day five of the Australian Open in Melbourne on January 18, 2019/AFP

MELBOURNE: Roger Federer had a special guest in his courtside box watching him beat Taylor Fritz on day five of the Australian Open – his son Lenny, and he stole the show.

As the Swiss master was doing a courtside interview Lenny was more interested in poking his coach Ivan Ljubicic in the face.



"There he goes. The coach is being very serious, I love that," Federer said. "I didn´t even know he (Lenny) was going to come to the stadium. For me it was a very special match and I´m happy Lenny was there."

Federer has two sets of twins, two boys and two girls, with wife Mirka.

The 37-year old beat the big-serving American Taylor Fritz 6-2, 7-5, 6-2 to stay on track for a third successive title at Melbourne Park and a 21st Grand Slam crown.