Kareena's wax statue to be unveiled

LONDON: Kareena Kapoor's wax statue will be unveiled in Madame Tassaud's museum on August 15, 2011.According to the Indian newspaper, the waxwork may be made public on the Indian Independence day...

Kareena's wax statue to be unveiled
LONDON: Kareena Kapoor's wax statue will be unveiled in Madame Tassaud's museum on August 15, 2011.

According to the Indian newspaper, the waxwork may be made public on the Indian Independence day weekend (August 15-16) that also coincides with Saif's 41st birthday (August 16).

The newspaper quoted reliable sources that Kareena has already been waxed and she flew to London last night to check out her statue.

The Madame Tussauds team flew down to Mumbai four month ago. The measurements were taken and other formalities were completed.