'Exorcist pir', accomplices beat man to death in Patriata for entering 'women's area'

Exorcist Pir Azmat and his accomplices in Patriata beat a man to death for entering a 'women's area' after which two suspects were arrested


MURREE: An 'exorcist pir' — faith-healer — and his accomplices on Monday beat a man to death here in Patriata for entering a designated "women's area", authorities confirmed.

According to police, the suspects, including the primary one, Pir Azmat, his son, and his guards, assaulted the man once he stepped into the designated "women's area" of the faith-healer's verandah.

The torture was so severe that the man, a resident of Kotli Sattian, died there, police said. Afterwards, the pir's followers and underlings drove around the city with the dead body in the car before disposing of it at the district headquarters (DHQ) hospital, they added.

Police further said they have arrested two suspects after registering a first information report (FIR) of the incident. The deceased's bereaved family placed the body on a road in Jhika Gali Bazaar and staged a protest there, demanding the arrest of the pir.

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