Text of notification to set up Commission to inquire Saleem Shahzad's murderISLAMABAD: Following is the text of notification to set up a Commission to inquire into the murder of journalist Saleem...
June 16, 2011
Text of notification to set up Commission to inquire Saleem Shahzad's murder
ISLAMABAD: Following is the text of notification to set up a Commission to inquire into the murder of journalist Saleem Shahzad:
"S.R.O. (1) 2011. WHEREAS the heinous murder of Mr. Saleem Shahzad, a journalist has taken place and cause and circumstance leading to it are to be ascertained;
AND WHEREAS the Federal Government is of the opinion that it is necessary to appoint a Commission of Inquiry to enquire into this matter of public importance and to apprehend the culprits;
AND WHEREAS in view of the situation and as reportedly, demanded by the journalist community, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting propose the name of Mr. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar a sitting Judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan;
NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Commission of Inquiry Act 1956 (VI of 1956) and sub-section (1) of section 5 thereof the Federal Government is pleased to:-
(a) appoint a Commission of Inquiry consisting of,-
(i) Mr. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar, Judge, Supreme Court of Pakistan (Subject to acceptance); (ii) Mr. Justice Agha Rafiq Ahmed Khan, Chief Justice, Federal Shariat Court; (iii) Additional Inspector General (Investigation) Punjab; (iv) President, Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and (v) Deputy Inspector General of Police, Islamabad; and (b) direct that all provisions of Sub-sections (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of section 5 of the said Act shall apply on the Commission.
2. The following shall be the terms of reference of the Commission, namely;- (a) to inquire into the background and circumstances of abduction and subsequent murder of Mr. Saleem Shahzad; (b) to identify the culprits involved in the abduction and subsequent murder of the said journalist; and (c) recommend measures to prevent recurrence of such gruesome incident against journalists in future.
3. The Commission shall commence inquiry immediately at a place fixed by it and submits its report, findings and recommendations within six weeks.
4. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting shall provide all the secretarial support to the Commission." (APP)