In a first, Sindh Police use drones for Ashura procession security in Karachi

Sindh Police use four drones, set up 2,200 CCTV cameras in city to keep security check on primary Muharram 10 procession, DIG IT said

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SUPERIMPOSED: Sindh Police logo. Sindh Police/via; BACKGROUND: A police helicopter flies past a drone in Maryland, US May 2, 2015. REUTERS/Adrees Latif/Files

KARACHI: Sindh Police is using drones and closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras for the first time to monitor the security for the metropolis' biggest Ashura procession.

Speaking to Geo News, deputy inspector-general (DIG) of police for information technology, Fida Hussain Mastoi, said the Sindh Police was using four drone cameras and set up 2,200 CCTV cameras around the city to keep a security check on the primary Muharram 10 procession.

The drone and CCTV cameras would monitor the security at the Ashura procession in real time and broadcast the live footage directly to the Sindh Police's command and control room.

DIG IT Mastoi said the command and control room would receive information and tips on any suspicious person or activity in the procession in real time and relay it to the relevant police officers.

The drone cameras, on the other hand, were also monitoring rooftops in the city, as well as in areas that fall in the Ashura procession's route, he noted, adding that more CCTV cameras would be installed soon.

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