Bangladesh cricket officials presented security plan for upcoming tour

A four-member security delegation from Bangladesh visited Karachi’s National Stadium to inspect arrangements at the venue.

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Cricket and security officials in Karachi have presented a fool proof security plan to Bangladeshi officials, for the duration of its cricket team’s stay for the proposed tour.

A four-member security delegation from Bangladesh visited Karachi’s National Stadium to inspect arrangements at the venue.

The delegation also held meetings with Sindh’s Home Secretary Abdul Kabir Kazi earlier, where they were briefed by officials on the security plan for the visiting cricketers. 

The visiting delegation was also briefed about the arrangements at National Stadium. Bangladeshi officials inspected different areas of the main building and spectator stands during the visit.

Zakir Khan — Pakistan Cricket Board’s (PCB) director of international cricket —along with the manager security Col Usman Anwari, informed the Bangladeshi delegation about protocols, facilities and arrangements at the National Stadium.

Read more: Bangladesh's security delegation arrive in Karachi for security check of women's cricket tour

Zakir told the media that he’s hopeful all Bangladeshi teams will visit Pakistan as scheduled, following the visit by their security team.

“This is a routine visit and they’re here to see the proposed arrangements. They’ll go back after touring Lahore and Islamabad and submit their reports to Bangladeshi government,” Zakir said.

“We had also invited them during our series against Sri Lanka so that they could see our arrangements practically but they couldn’t come then. We are short of time but I hope things will be smooth,” said the PCB official.

Bangladesh’ women cricket team is expected to arrive in Pakistan to play a series of five limited overs game on 23rd, an U16 team is also scheduled to arrive in Rawalpindi next week. Bangladesh’ men’s national team is due to visit Pakistan in January next year.