DG ISPR condemns Indian army chief's warmongering

DG-ISPR said on Twitter that the Indian army chief is repeatedly provoking war through his irresponsible statements.

Web Desk

RAWALPINDI: The Pakistan Army on Friday condemned Indian army chief's bellicose rhetoric which it said is endangering regional peace. 

Military spokesman Major General Asif Ghafoor said on Twitter that the Indian army chief is repeatedly provoking war through his irresponsible statements for electioneering of political masters.

In a string of tweets, the Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said the Indian army chief has achieved nothing other than turning his military into a rogue force.

Also read: Nine Indian soldiers killed as Pakistan Army responds to cross-LoC firing

"From fake surgical strike to date his only success has been to turn Indian Army into a rogue force and getting them killed," he said.

In another tweet he said "Indian Army Chief’s statements coupled with blood of innocents on hand, losses to Indian forces at the hands of Pakistan Armed Forces, heli crashes due to so called tech fault cum fratricide just to become Indian CDS is actually at the cost of professional military ethos".

CDS is an acronym for Chief of the Defence Staff, a proposed position for the combined head of the Indian Army,  Air Force and Indian Navy.

Tensions are high between India and Pakistan after the former revoked Article 370 which recognized occupied Kashmir as a special territory.

Pakistan reacted sharply, downgrading diplomatic ties with India and suspending trade with its neighbor.

Also read: After taking diplomats and journalists to AJK, ISPR chief challenges India to do same in IoK

Prime Minister Imran slammed the Modi government at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session a few weeks ago and called on the world not to appease Modi but pressurize him to end the curfew-like restrictions imposed in occupied Kashmir.

Both countries’ forces have traded fire over the Line of Control (LoC). Nine soldiers of the Indian army were killed and many others injured when Pakistan Army troops gave a "befitting response" to Indian ceasefire violations in Jura, Shahkot and Nousehri Khuiratta and Kotkhetera Tatta Pani sectors along the Line of Control.