AIOU issues admission schedule

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has issued admission schedule for the Semester Spring, 2020.


ISLAMABAD: Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has issued admission schedule for the Semester Spring, 2020.

As per new policy, the admissions will be offered in two phases.

The first phase admission will commence from January 15 while the 2nd phase admissions will begin on March 1, 2020 all over the country.

Academic programmes of the first stage of admissions including Matric, FA, MS/ MPh, PhD and BS (face-to-face).

The applications for admissions of Matric, FA programmes will be received till February 20, while admission forms for the MS/M.Phil/PhD/BS (face-to-face) will be received till February 14.

The admissions of BA/BS/B.Ed/MA and M.Sc programmes will begin from March 1 and would be continued till April 15.

Prospectus sale points will be set up at the university's main campus, regional and coordinating offices throughout the country.