Friends of murdered therapist Amie Harwick reveal her fears surrounding ex-boyfriend

Reports have recently brought news to light regarding the murder of therapist Amie Harwick

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Friends of murdered therapist Amie Harwick reveal her fears surrounding ex-boyfriend

A recent interview published by Los Angeles Times has reveled that    intimacy therapist Amie Harwick feared her former boyfriend, who is now charged with her killing, “might do something violent.” 

According to an interview broadcast this weekend, it was possible that Harwick might have glimpsed into a possible-harrowing death before it actually occurred because of a gut feeling that made her think her ex-boyfriend “might do something violent.” 

Harwich, aged 38 appeared to have been strangled before falling from a third floor balcony in her Hollywood Hills home on February 15, according to the Los Angeles County coroner’s office.

Prosecutors almost immediately took her ex-boyfriend, Gareth Pursehouse, into custody after the incident took place.The reason why Harwich feared for her life was because her ex showcased signs of violent behavior at a previous professional event.

During a past interview with CBS News magazine 48 hours, a friend of the victim, Robert Coshland revealed, “He came like over to her all like yelling at her, he was yelling in her face saying, ‘You ruined my life.’” Pursehouse alledgedly “created a giant scene, sobbing, wailing.”

Another friend of the victim was at the event and he revealed that Pursehouse “looked upset, in duress”, Harwich reportedly “was trying to soothe and calm” him while the assailant “was agitated.”

After the encounter subsided, she started becoming worried about the ‘what-ifs’. Her fears stem from previous violent outbursts, during which he broke into her home, smashed her frames and even threatened her with messages that pertained to possible worse outcomes. Harwich's past restraining orders expired in 2015. 

The authorities found Harwich on the ground after a response call was made in regards to the screaming sounds of a woman which neighbors could hear.

Authorities believe that Pursehouse threw her from the balcony and the Los Angeles County coroner’s office confirmed her cause of death to have come from blunt force trauma towards her head and upper body. The police also found evidence of strangulation around the victim’s neck during their initial autopsy.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Miguel Espinoza ordered Pursehouse to be jailed without possibility of bail. His sentencing will commence on March fourth under the premises of first degree residential burglary and one count each, of murder.

The murder charge includes a special-circumstance allegation which believes the assailant was ‘lying in wait’ and as a result of that bit of information, he might become eligible for a possible death sentence.