Meet the gorgeous and exuberant Azekah Daniel

Success to me is when I am satisfied with my work. I believe I have achieved success when I know my work has made a difference in our society....

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Azekah Daniel, a relatively young starter, has proved her mettle through her versatile performances in Pakistani dramas.

Her breakthrough role was the main character in drama serial Noor Jehan. In an interview with US, the young actor gave a sneak peek into her life.

US: Date of birth and star

AD: 1st July; Cancer

US: The best thing about being a teenager was

AD: Feeling free

US: The worst thing about being a teenager was

AD: The immaturity

US: I was always listening to

AD: Music and audio books

US: My favourite actor

AD: Tom Cruise

US: My favourite singer

AD: Shakira

US: My favourite superhero

AD: Superman, especially when Henry Cavill played the role

US: My favourite movie

AD: I had many favourite movies

US: My favourite book

AD: A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

US: My closet was full of

AD: T-shirts and jeans

US: My friends were

AD: I had one best friend throughout my school life and that was Maryan Sardar.

US: My first crush was

AD: Honestly I don’t even remember.

US: What hurt me the most was

AD: People doubting my intentions sometimes.

US: My dream was to become

AD: A doctor

US: Relations with family were

AD: Pretty good. I have a very loving and supportive family.

US: My school was

AD: Saint Michael’s Convent School

US: My favourite and least favourite subjects were

AD: History, Science and Geography were my favourite subjects. I was never good at Maths.

US: I couldn’t stand

AD: Lies and injustice

US: My favourite food

AD: Well, I love biryani

US: My favourite hangout

AD: None actually. I like spending time at home.

US: My favourite sport was

AD: Football

US: Things I couldn’t live without

AD: Books and of course my cell phone

US: What does success mean to you?

AD: Success to me is when I am satisfied with my work. I believe I have achieved success when I know my work has made a difference in our society.

US: Something you learned early in your career?

AD: Firstly, don’t get caught up in politics. Secondly, it’s better to keep your opinions to yourself if they’re not work-related.

US: Did you get any formal education for this career?

AD: I did not get any formal education. I learnt a lot by observing actors on set and then the internet was and still is a great help. However, we have institutes like NAPA that provide education and short courses on acting for anyone interested in the career.

US: Do you believe good looks and connections are the only things that make a star?

AD: Talent makes you a star good; looks are a plus.

US: How has social media changed things for you?

AD: I think social media has helped made me connect more with my fans and it’s great that I get constructive criticism and appreciation instantly.

US: The funniest thing or gossip you have heard about yourself

AD: That I’ve moved abroad and left the industry.

US: How do you deal with self-doubt?

AD: Self-counselling is the best way. Also, praying and meditating help.

US: Advice for aspiring actors.

Never lose hope. Things may take some time, but eventually you will get there where you want to be. Hard work never goes unnoticed.

- S.G

Originally published in The News