Opposition senators accuse government of hiding FIA report on wheat crisis

Hot words exchanged between Senator Mushahidullah and Faisal Javed Khan

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ISLAMABAD: Opposition senators on Tuesday demanded the government release the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) report on the wheat crisis, accusing the government of hiding the report in a bid to shield the perpetrators of the artificial crisis.

A heated debate in the Senate ensued when Senator Pervaiz Rashid asked the government to expose the 'thieves' who gave away wheat as poultry feed. "Who are the thieves who gave away wheat, food for human consumption, to chickens. Why is the FIA report being hidden?" he asked.

Senator Mushahidullah Khan angered Faisal Javed Khan when he said PM Imran was a prime minister of thieves. "He is not our prime minister, he is your selected prime minister and the prime minister of thieves," he said, prompting Faisal to shout at him angrily.

Mushahidullah called on the Senate chairman to silence Faisal and let him continue speaking. He then accused PM Imran of pocketing money that he collected for the Shaukat Khanum Hospital.

"The FIA conducted a probe and held three people responsible. Two men and one woman [were named in the report]," he claimed. "The whole world knows who is the sugar and wheat thief," he added.

A few weeks ago, Prime Minister Imran Khan has tasked the FIA to hold a probe into the wheat and sugar crises. PM Imran had stated in a tweet that he would not relent till those responsible for hoarding, smuggling wheat and sugar to raise prices were punished. 

Will not relent until those involved in artificial price hikes are not punished: PM Imran

On February 24, PM Imran tweeted that he would not relent till those responsible for the wheat and sugar crises in the country were not punished. 

"As a result of Govt focus on price control, substantial decrease in prices, especially in vegetable prices, can now be seen. I assure our people that I will not relent until all involved in artificially-created price hikes are identified & punished," he tweeted. 

Prices of wheat and sugar skyrocketed last month after the food items disappeared from markets across the country. A report forwarded to the prime minister blamed government officials and politicians responsible for the crisis.