Take care, coronavirus 'not bigger' than Pakistanis' resolve: Shehbaz

The 'great Pakistani nation is capable of overcoming any adversity and defeating any challenge', says the PML-N president

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PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif addresses an event in Lahore, Pakistan. Geo.tv/Files

LAHORE: PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif said on Friday that the coronavirus pandemic was "not bigger" than the Pakistani people's resolve but everyone should "take care" regardless.

Taking to Twitter, the former Punjab chief minister noted that the "great Pakistani nation is capable of overcoming any adversity & defeating any challenge" and that "each crisis has strengthened us & brought the best out of us".

He called upon people to show an "unwavering sense of duty by acting upon the precautions for the well-being of everyone around us", especially given the country's battle against dengue infection.

"We did it together back then. We CAN DO it now as well," Sharif added.

He said that the government alone will not be able to deal with the coronavirus and all Pakistanis needed to come together to help fight the pandemic which has so far infected at least 21 people in Pakistan and left upwards of 5,000 people dead around the world.

"Whichever profession or walk of life we may belong to, we need to come together as one people," the PML-N leader wrote. "I appeal to the families to cooperate with the doctors & medical staff and help/let them treat the patients as per guidelines."

In addition, he asked the PTI government to "look into locally customised solutions as well, ones based on our local conditions & shaped by our peculiar dynamics".

"National fight against Corona must transcend all political divides & emerge as a collective fight for a HEALTHY PAKISTAN.

"Take care, everyone," he added.

Pakistan tally rises to 21

Sindh's health authorities confirmed one more case of coronavirus in the province earlier today, bumping up the national toll of infected people to 21.

"The 52-year-old patient arrived from Islamabad 2 days ago & was tested positive today. This brings the total number of cases to 15 in Sindh, out of which 13 are in stable condition & 2 have been discharged," the department said.

On Thursday, a new coronavirus case had emerged in Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan, health department official Dr Shah Ramzan confirmed, adding that the 31-year-old had returned to Pakistan on February 25 after travelling to Iran.