April 13, 2020
Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan has been quite active on his social media during these trying times of the coronavirus pandemic as he keeps fans in the loop about his health and daily life.
The veteran actor has been using his famous blog these days to update the world on his life in quarantine and also to share some wisdom with all of his fans.
Recently the actor wrote an extensive post about his early morning routine and his diet plan that keeps him hale and hearty even at the age of 77.
“Okay so while all this was being conveyed to you lot .. breaka’ is almost over .. quick brief consumption .. the ‘tulsi patta’ , the probiotic dose , the protein drink the almonds, the porridge, the tablets , the coconut water , the ‘aanvalaa’ juice, (Myrrh it is called in the language of this post) , the fruit banana .. and at the gym, [sic]” he wrote.
“Dates from considerate Ef of the Arab world .. and bites of the apple in between machine changes .. and lots of water too .. and the odd ‘elixir of life’ to keep the spirits up .. bit of breathing ‘pranayaam’ at the yoga mat .. wind up .. put the tv screens off, get all the news , switch off the music .. the new sounds from Apple .. on with the mask and walking back to desk to make some sound .. YES .. make some more sounds with verse with messages with campaigns .. .. and .. ok see ya, [sic]” he added.
He further detailed his health issues as well, saying: “grips ? yes the grips for gym .. taken them off so I can type faster .. off there now to get the circulation going and to be able to repair the thigh strain .. the whats it called .. errrmm .. yaaa .. hamstrings .. the memory plays tricks .. had to go to Mr Google to get it right .. yes the ‘hamstrings they’ take a nap when seated for long so need to keep getting up rapidly every 20 mins ,walk about, or get onto the standing table to write . [sic]”