Quentin Tarantino pitched an idea for James Bond film to Pierce Brosnan

The James Bond actor revealed that Tarantino was drunk during their meeting

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Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino told Pierce Brosnan that he wanted to make a 007 film.

Brosnan, who essayed the role of the flamboyant British secret agent between 1995 and 2002, revealed during an interview that Tarantino was drunk when he pitched the idea. 

The actor said the director wanted to meet him after Kill Bill Vol 2. 

Recalling the meeting, Brosnan said: “I got there at 7pm, I like to be punctual. 7.15 pm came around, no Quentin, he was upstairs doing press. Someone sent over a martini, so I had a martini, and I waited till 7.30 pm, and I thought, where the heck is he? Word came down, apologies, so I thought, okay, I’ll have another martini.”

Tarantino was drunk and joined him for a martini or two when he arrived. 

“He was pounding the table, saying you’re the best James Bond, I wanna do James Bond, and it was very close quarters in the restaurant and I thought, please calm down, but we don’t tell Quentin Tarantino to calm down,” Brosnan said.

"That would be a good one to watch,” he said.