Two weeks of protest and still no action: Grand Health Alliance slams lack of PPEs in Punjab

GHA member Dr Mehmood said they had been promised resolution of 10 demands they had put forward earlier

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LAHORE: Top officials of the Grand Health Alliance's (GHA) Punjab chapter on Wednesday slammed the provincial government for not taking action despite two weeks of protest over the unavailability of personal protective equipment (PPEs).

In a press conference held today at Mayo Hospital in Lahore, GHA member Dr Mehmood said the body has protested for almost 14 days but there were no PPEs for doctors treating coronavirus patients at the facility.

"Where are the protective gear kits that arrived from Turkey," he asked. "There are 1,247 ventilators in Punjab and many of them are dysfunctional."

Dr Mehmood added that they had been promised resolution of 10 demands they had put forward earlier. "Doctors and nurses were allowed a week of days off after one week of work but that is not being implemented," he lamented.

He further explained that none of the medical professionals at Mayo Hospital were tested for the novel COVID-19 infection nor were they tested after duty at designated coronavirus wards.

Allowance was being given to the health professionals working in the coronavirus wards, he noted.