FAISALABAD: As many as 158 shopkeepers were fined here onThursday on charge of profiteering and non-display of rate lists.According to a spokesman of the City District Government , special price...
August 25, 2011
FAISALABAD: As many as 158 shopkeepers were fined here onThursday on charge of profiteering and non-display of rate lists.
According to a spokesman of the City District Government (CDG), special price control magistrate conducted 585 raids in 119 shopping centers, markets and bazaars today and found 158 shopkeepers involved in profiteering and overcharging while they also didn't display rate lists at conspicuous places in their shops.
Hence, the raiding officers handed them down with a total fine ofRs.167900/- on the spot and warned to avoid violating Price Control Act. Otherwise, they would have to go behind the bars.
Meanwhile, cases were also registered against 6 shopkeepers on the violation of Price Control Act here on Thursday, the spokesman added.