Lisa Kudrow's success story strikes home for all those coping with failures

A viral motivational speech of Lisa Kudrow has been making rounds online

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Lisa Kudrow's success story strikes home for all those coping with failures

Lisa Kudrow shot to fame after the super-hit timeless nineties sitcom called Friends, which turned her into one of the most acclaimed artists on small screens in America. 

However, her path to success was filled with more disappointments than she had been prepared to endure.

A viral motivational speech by the Space Force star has been making rounds online where she can be seen expressing her utmost gratitude for all the failures that came her way.

Speaking about how she got fired from the sets of the hit show Fraiser, Lisa began by saying how that moment had been “so embarrassing” for her.

"It was really hard to think it wasn't meant to be in my career. Everyone knew it [Frasier] was going to be a hit - and it was,” she had told the graduating class back then.

"A couple of months later, I was almost completely out of money and a friend - actor Richard Kind - called and said 'I heard what happened - I don't know how you get up in the morning.'"

She further revealed how that phone call made her realise how she really had been coping better than she expected.

"When one door closes, another door always opens - that's what I was telling myself to keep those moments of doubt only 'moments'," she said.

"It worked, I kept going, and after many auditions, I was the second person cast in the pilot Friends Like Us... which would later be changed to Friends.”

She went on to share that one day, the six cast members of Friends were discussing stories about getting fired from previous jobs when the director of Fraiser and the Friends pilot, Jim Burrows decided to share Lisa’s story.

"He said, 'Well she has the worst one, she got fired from Frasier!'"

"It's a good thing you did, or you wouldn't have been on this show [Friends].' And he was right. And it's a good thing I didn't get Saturday Night Live... and that the Romy and Michelle pilot didn't work out... and every other disappointment that happened.”

"So thank God I got fired,” she said ending her speech.