'Down To Earth': Release date of Zac Efron's Netflix series announced

Netflix series features Zac Efron and a wellness expert

Web Desk

New Netflix series "Down To Earth" featuring Zac Efron is releasing next month.

The actor has teamed up with Darin Olien for the series about human connection travelling the world.

"Down To Earth With Zac Efron" sees a 32-year-old actor and a wellness expert Olien investigate the ways people are taking action toward a sustainable future.

The due undertake visits to France, Puerto Rico, Iceland, London, Costa Rica, Lima, Sardinia and Iquitos in the show to highlight efforts being made for sustainability.

In the trailer of the series, Zac Efron says "OK, are traveling around the world to find some new perspectives on some very old problems".

He adds, "Food, water and energy are all the main staples for modern life. We're going to meet some top eco-innovators to see how change is an inside job."