Ben Affleck's secret Instagram is secret no more

Kelsey Weekman came across Ben Affleck’s alleged finsta under the username of @positiveattitudehunting

Web Desk
Kelsey Weekman came across Ben Affleck’s alleged finsta under the username of @positiveattitudehunting

Ben Affleck is undeniably one of Hollywood’s most sought-after actors which means the star has a colossal fan base eyeing his every move.

A die-hard of the Argo actor has stepped forth claiming to have exposed his fake Instagram account or a ‘finsta’ as it is known in internet jargon.

News editors for In The Know, Kelsey Weekman came across the star’s alleged finsta under the username of @positiveattitudehunting.

“The couple has a sort of bizarre gravitational pull about them that makes me constantly want to know more about them and why they’re together. They met on the set of a psychological thriller called Deep Water at the end of 2019, but the pairing remains a bit unusual,” Weekman wrote in her blog post.

The reporter after doing some research found that Ana de Armas and Affleck don’t follow each other on Instagram.

“I thought that was unusual because paparazzi famously spotted Affleck snapping photos of Armas on the beach in Costa Rica,” she said.

She then spotted Affleck dropping a comment underneath de Armas’s photo saying: “Photo credit pls,” without having followed her.

“I went to de Armas’ Instagram page and looked at the 500 accounts she follows, and while searching for ‘Ben Affleck,’ I stumbled upon an account under the name ‘Ben,'” Weekman said.

“I immediately noticed that the account’s handle was ‘positiveattitudehunting’ — a clear (although groan-worthy) play on one of his most famous movies, Good Will Hunting,” she added.

The account only has three followers which Weekman deduced was de Armas, his ex-wife Jennifer Garner and another third mystery person.