Vidya Balan has been in touch with a healer for to let go off her self-critical attitude

Vidya Balan has been working on making herself less self-critical through active healing and self-acceptance

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Vidya Balan reveals the healing she has been doing about her self- judgmental attitude

Vidya Balan’s past has been riddled with critical self-talk and a blatant lack of kindness. However, she has recently begun working with a healer in an attempt to combat issues that stem from years of backlash and criticism.

During an interview with Pinkvilla, Vidya began by talking about this journey, claiming, “It’s been a long journey and it is work in progress. I am not accepting of myself every single day, there are days when I get up feeling angry with myself, feel wrong about something, some old rejection shows up, god knows what is the trigger, not feeling good about your body, so I think it is never absolute. The process is never complete.

“But, I think the thing is to realise and to see in those times how far you have come and to realise that it is never too late to start working on yourself. When I say start working on yourself, I don’t mean going to the gym, or change diet, but what I mean is just be kind to your self. I think most of us forget that.”

She added, “I have been working with a healer for a few years now, and that is something I had to learn. I used to be very unkind to myself, there are times when I still slip into being over critical and judgmental of myself, then I remind myself of my various strengths and then the things which bothered me, lose power over me.’

Time and time again the actress has spoken about her experiences being body shamed in the past. During a past interview with Hindustan Times, she claimed, “The acceptance of self happened around 2008-2009. I realized I had to accept that one person in the mirror, everyone else cannot be depended upon and their expectations will keep on changing.”