Amber Heard says she loves Turkey

Amber Heard was in Turkey after giving evidence in Johhny Depp's case

Web Desk

Amber Heard is back to work after spending holidays in Turkey. The Hollywood starlet was in Turkey after recording her testimony in Johnny Depp's case against a British tabloid in London.

The Aquaman actress gave evidence in favor of the tabloid which was sued by Depp for calling him a 'wife beater'.

Following the trial, she went to Turkey to spend quality time. During her vacations in Istanbul, she was also sported wearing a Muslim headscarf. 

From the pictures and the captions accompanying her Instagram posts, it appeared that she had fallen in love with Istanbul.

Before leaving the country, Amber Heard shared a picture from Istanbul and conceded that it was "so hard to say goodbye".  

Check out her latest post:

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So hard to say goodbye.... I love Turkey so much

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