Queen Elizabeth's former royal chef details monarch's dining etiquettes

Former royal chef Darren McGrady reveals inside details about Queen Elizabeth's dining protocol

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Queen Elizabeth's former royal chef details monarch's dining etiquettes 

Queen Elizabeth is very particular about doing everything in the correct manner - be it as small as eating everyday. 

If you are lucky enough to be able to dine with the Queen, a privilege that not many have, there are a few things that you should be strictly mindful of.

One such thing is the fact that while dining at the palace, the meal is practically over when the monarch is done eating.

As soon as the Queen is done with the course, royal staffers come and clear out the tables for the next course, whether you are done eating or not.

This happens systematically, with the use of a special button, that a designated page operates, signalling for the kitchen staff to bring out the next course.

The interesting piece of information has been detailed by Bryan Kozlowski in his new book Long Live the Queen! 13 Rules for Living from Britain's Longest Reigning Monarch.

He writes, "Once the Queen puts down her cutlery, an ever-watchful page behind her presses a button on a handheld zapper, which sends a literal green-light signal to the kitchen, ushering in the next course."

The author quotes former royal chef Darren McGrady as revealing the inside information to him.