A royal staffer once left Prince Andrew ‘with a black eye’ due to his horrid antics

The Queen staff was at the ends of their ropes with Prince Andrew and one even knocked him to the floor once

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Prince Andrew was well known within the royal household for his mischievous reputation and there were a lot of occasions where he was slapped around by royal staffers because of his illicit taunting.

While writing for the Daily Mail, royal biographer Ingrid Seward detailed an event where the young prince began taunting a guard who was on duty. At the time he even hit dogs and horses on the estate with sticks and refused to stop when asked to do so.

Seward claims that there came a time when the young royal caused so much trouble that royal staffers threw him straight into a pile of manure, only to teach him a lesson. 

There was also another incident mentioned within Seward’s report where he touched upon the one incident where the young prince was knocked out cold by a royal staffer, and in turn was sent home with a black eye.

Seward reports that the young prince wanted to rattle the footman for fun at the time but he took his prank too far and caused the footman to “take a swipe at Andrew” and leave him “sprawled on the floor with a black eye.”

In the end The footman did not lose his job because the monarch realized that he was only retaliating in response to Andrew’s taunts yet the Queen never summed up the courage to punish her son for his actions and left that with Prince Philip to handle.